January 29, 2008

147 Re-Vaguvination

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A little nip here... a little tuck there. With the miracle of modern medicine we'll soon be able to live in a time where you can pick out a picture from a book in a doctor's office and leave with Lindsay Lohan's va-jay-jay as your very own.

January 26, 2008

146 Rehab With The D-List

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With the Hollywood writers strike in full effect, there's no better way to fill up all that dead TV air time than to take a bunch of D-list celebrities, throw them into rehab and point a camera at them. Don't forget the gallon sized Ziploc bags.

January 23, 2008

145 Dear Homos

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After a double dose of PMS, we're back with something we're really good at...advice! If there is one thing that is absolutely certain in this life, it's that we have an opinion about everything. We're also happy to share it...whether you asked for it or not.

January 17, 2008

144 Going Postal

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Going to the post office is not that complicated. You only have a few different options of things you can do there. You can send a letter, pick up some mail or buy some stamps. You would think that most people probably know what they're going there before they even get to the post office. Yet people still get up to the window and stand there staring at the post office clerk wondering what to do, while the line gets longer and longer and people get angrier and angrier...including the post office workers.

January 14, 2008

143 Your Very Own Cult

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It's almost tax time. That means that you need to start pulling out all your receipts and paperwork, desperately trying to find enough deductions and tax credits so that you don't go bankrupt on April 15. This year, rather than giving all your hard-earned money to the tax man, why not start you own "church" instead?

January 11, 2008

142 Red Flag Warning

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Red flags dot the hillside, blowing and flapping madly in the wind. Still, we pay no heed and rush right into relationships with all kinds of psychos. If only we had someone to show us the warning signs to look for before we make bad dating choices.... Well, now you do. We've already made all those bad choices and lived to tell about it.

January 8, 2008

141 Flirt

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Flirting makes you smarter. Or, at least you'll seem smarter all of a sudden next to the person you're flirting with. After all, there's really not enough room for too many brain cells in that little head that they're doing the thinking with now.

January 5, 2008

140 Not Quite a Handful

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It could just be an ordinary trip to the doctor's office for a checkup, or it could be your ultimate Penthouse Forum fantasy. Either way, don't forget to schedule your annual mammogram this year.

January 2, 2008

139 Brand New You in 2008

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Welcome to a brand new year. As we ring out the old and bring in the new, it's the perfect time to make a whole bunch of New Year's resolutions that you'll never be able to keep. Well...it was a good thought anyway.

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