October 29, 2014

lesbian podcast 598 Gelding

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It's never as good as the first time, especially if you're a cutter. We're not talking about just any kind of cutter. We're talking about the kind of cutting where you lose 6-10 inches that you'll never get back. To these folks, cutting a slit in your arm is simply child's play.

lesbian podcast

October 26, 2014

lesbian podcast 597 Movie Time

(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3)

Go ahead and download all the free movies you want from the Internet. It won't cost you a thing. Nobody is counting the 17 new viruses, the 25 cases of malware and all your passwords that have been sold in 10 different countries in the last 5 minutes. Don't worry about the fact that your computer is now dirtier than a slutty girl's vagina.

lesbian podcast

October 22, 2014

lesbian podcast 596 Bloody Survival

(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3)

A lesson in simple logic. Spongebob is absorbent. Spongebob lives in Bikini Bottom. Therefore, Spongebob is a tampon. More logic lessons. Don't ever sign up for Survivor or any reality show where they don't provide female sanitary supplies...unless you enjoy free-bleeding.

lesbian podcast

October 19, 2014

lesbian podcast 595 Straight Hair

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Not just anyone can cut Lesbian hair and not anyone can style Lesbian hair. We might be able to shave an armpit, trim a bush or shave a leg, but getting up every morning to put every single hair in it's proper place before going out the door is not a gene everyone is born with. For the rest of us we need a Lesbian Hair Salon that does everything from the long- haired femme to the number one buzz cut, and everything in between. A a bonus they'll pluck a stray hair off your face without missing a beat.

lesbian podcast

October 12, 2014

lesbian podcast 594 Projecting

(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3)

You go to a party later in the evening...you're not planning to stay the night, but it's possible that you might be too tired to drive home. Now comes the quandary... Before you go out you get to choose one extra thing to bring with you without being consdidered psycho. Do you take the fresh pair of panties or do you take a toothbrush? Choose wisely.

lesbian podcast


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