September 26, 2007

110 Orgasm by Text Message

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When you don't have time for a long conversation with a hot, sexy girl in you can get screwed by text messaging. You'll never know that you're really texting an old, fat dude in a dirty tank top sitting on his couch with his belly sticking out acting like a hot, horny girl. Now that's enticing.

September 23, 2007

109 L.A. County Fair-y Tale

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The L.A. County Fair comes to town and we head off for our annual visit. We're not interested in the animals, the horticulture , the carnival rides or the games. Instead, we want to know what this year's fried food specialty will be, and to shop for that rare "As Seen on TV" item that can't be found anywhere else.

September 19, 2007

108 She's Dizzy, Not Ditzy

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Virginia is about to become a millionaire. Of course, first she has to take out an insurance policy on Roxanne. After eight years in a relationship, it's time to trade her in for a younger model, and that's going to take a whole lotta cash.

September 16, 2007

107 Jodie Has A-Cups

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We do our duty as faithful Lesbians and go to see Jodie Foster's new movie, "The Brave One", on opening day. Jodie wasn't the only brave one on that day. We even forego the popcorn so that we can concentrate on bringing you a complete, detailed movie review.

September 14, 2007

106 Do Your Lips Hang Low?

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There aren't too many sports where you can drink beer and still play the game. Softball is one...and bowling is another. That makes both of those the perfect sports for Lesbians.

September 11, 2007

105 Lights, Camera, Action

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To help get you through those long, cold months in between seasons of the L Word, Roxanne has come up with a new dramatic series, using real-life characters that everyone can relate to. This Fall...on Skinemax...look for...."Lipstick". Lesbian drama like it was meant to be.

September 8, 2007

104 Video Game Whore

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When you come home from a long, hard day at work, it's nice to sit back and relax to ease away the stress of the day. Some people pop open a cold brew, other people entertain themsleves with an evening of TV, and still others might just go to bed early. Then there's the people who relax by picking up whores in video games, having fake sex with them in the game and then paying them with fake money.

September 5, 2007

103 Feeling Gassy

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The high price of gas gives us gas. It also makes it hard to be a proper Lesbian, with a big pick-up truck, oversized tires and a hemi...whatever that is.

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