November 28, 2008
(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3) Nothing says "holiday stress" like having to go to three different stores for groceries on the day before Thanksgiving, with a list you got from someone else, and with items on it that you're not really sure about. The entire Thanksgiving dinner hangs in the balance and depends on whether or not you get the right type of carrots. |
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November 23, 2008
(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3) With the price of airline tickets these days, if you're going to fly you may as well get your money's worth. Insist on on an airline with a full array of inflight services to make your next long trip as comfortable as possible. If they don't have "dancers" on board...just forget it. |
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November 16, 2008
(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3) Even if you're not outraged over Prop 8 in California, there are still plenty of good reasons to join the protests. You no longer have to waste your time meeting freaks on the on-line web sites, chat rooms and at bars. You'll find lots of lots attractive Lesbians down at the protests...and they already know they want to get married. |
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November 12, 2008
(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3) Now Lesbians can live forever in the comfort of knowing that they will never have to part with their favorite cats even after they've passed on. By spinning Fluffy's fur into yarn and then knitting a pretty little sweater, they'll be able to wear and stroke their favorite pussy for the rest of their lives. It's the ultimate Lesbian fantasy. Click here for more pictures. |
November 9, 2008
(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3) Just because a woman has teeth in her head, it doesn't mean that a man has to wake up with bite marks on his member after a heated night in the hay. The same goes for Lesbians with long long as she knows how to work those things! Novices need not apply. |
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November 3, 2008
(Click to listen live, or right-click and "save target as..." to download mp3) As an American it's time to get up off your lazy ass and vote. Don't do it because it's your civic duty. Don't do it because your vote can change the course of this country for the next four years. Do it because once you're done you can get a free cup of coffee at Starbucks and a free donut at Krispy Kreme. Otherwise...why leave the house at all? |
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